Set No. - 06 1 / 10 11. Under the chairmanship of whom ‘Committee for Evolution of the New Education Policy’ submitted its report in May 2016? A. Dr. K. Kasturirangan B. Late Shri T.S.R. Subramanian C. Vijay Kelkar. D. Ashok Mehta. 2 / 10 12. The NEP 2020 replace the A. National Education Policy (NEP), 1986 B. National Policy on Education, 1969 C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of the Above 3 / 10 13. Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) renamed as A. Ministry of Human Development B. Ministry of Education C. Ministry of Higher Education D. Ministry of Human Capital 4 / 10 14.The current 10+2 school curriculum to be replaced by a new A. 5+3+3+4 curricular structure B. 5+4+3+3 curricular structure C. 5+2+2+4 curricular structure D. 2+3+3+4 curricular structure 5 / 10 15.Consider the following statement relating to new education policy committeesI.K Kasturirangan Committee TSR Subramanian CommitteeIII. Vaghul CommitteeIV . Urjit Patel CommitteeSelect Correct answer code given below A. I and II Only B. I, III, IV Only C. I, II, III and IV D. II and III Only 6 / 10 16.……. will be created as an apex body for fostering a strong research culture and building research capacity across higher education as per NEP 2020. A. National Commission Foundation B. Higher Commission Education C. National Research Foundation D. None of the above 7 / 10 17.As per the policy public investment in education will be increased from the current 4.3% to A. 4% of GDP B. 7% of GDP C. 6.6% of GDP D. 6% of GDP 8 / 10 18. The new policy aims in the higher education to improve the Gross Enrollment Ratio from 26.3% to 50% by A. 2030 B. 2035 C. 2025 D. 2040 9 / 10 19.Consider the following statement regarding the foundational pillars in NEP 2020 Accessibility AffordabilityIII. Accountability Quality Equity AccessSelect Correct answer given code below A. I, II, III, IV Only B. I, II, III Only C. I, II, III, IV, V D. I, II, III, IV, V & VI Only 10 / 10 20. Which is not an educational committee ? A. Ashok Mehta Committee B. Dr. K. Kasturirangan Committee C. D. S. Kothari Committee D. T. S. R. Subramaniam Committee Your score isThe average score is 66% 0% Restart quiz