Set No - 05 1 / 10 1. How many the fundamental principles mentioned in National Education Policy 2020? a. 5 b. 11 c. 22 d. 20 2 / 10 2. National Education Policy 2020 replaced by a new pedagogical and curricular structure. What is the new curricular structure according to NEP 2020? A. “3+4+4+5” model B. “5+3+3+4” model C. “4+3+3+5” model D. “5+4+3+3” model 3 / 10 3. What is the age group covered in school education according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure? A. 16-18 B. 3-18 C. 6-18 D. 5-18 4 / 10 4. What are the classes which cover at “Secondary “stage according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure? A. Class 6 to 9 B. Class 9 to 12 C. Class 6 to 8 D. Class 11 to 12 5 / 10 5. What are the classes which cover at “Middle “stage according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure? A. Class 6 to 9 B. Class 9 to 12 C. Class 6 to 8 D. Class 11 to 12 6 / 10 6. What are the classes which cover at “Preparatory “stage according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure? A. Class 6 to 9 B. Class 3 to 5 C. Class 6 to 8 D. Class 1 to 2 7 / 10 7. What are the classes which cover at “Foundational “stage according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure? A. Covers only (Class 1 & 2) B. Covers only (Anganwadi/ pre-school/Balvatika) C. Covers (Anganwadi/ pre-school/Balvatika) and 2 years (Class 1 & 2) D.Covers up to class 5 8 / 10 8. How much (percent %) of a child’s cumulative brain development occurs prior to the age of 6 according to NEP 2020? A. Over 85% B. Over 95% C. Over 75% D Over 65% 9 / 10 9. NEP proposed that universal provisioning of quality early childhood development, care, and education must be achieved. What is timeline for this? A. 2030 B. 2035 C. 2040 D. 2025 10 / 10 10. What is timeline to ensure that all students entering Grade 1 are school ready according to National Education Policy 2020? A. 2035 B. 2040 C. 2025 D. 2030 Your score isThe average score is 65% 0% Restart quiz