[ays_quiz id='62']
Set- 02 Teaching Aptitude – English May 4, 2024May 6, 2024 Set- 02 Teaching Aptitude - English 1 / 5 Attitude of the teacher that affects teaching pertains to Affective domain Conative domain Cognitive domain Psychomotor domain 2 / 5 Maximum participation of students during teaching is possible through Lecture method Demonstration method Inductive method Textbook method 3 / 5 Learning is not possible unless a person is physically and mentally...? (A) Ready (B) insightful (C) mature (D. ALL OF THE ABOVE 4 / 5 The law of transference is a real fact in emotional life. This is a statement? (A) Stout (B) Blair (C) Malone (D) Jha 5 / 5 Group activities are encouraged in the classroom to improve? (A) Competition (B) Friendship (C) cooperation (D) enmity Your score isThe average score is 54% 0% Restart quiz