[ays_quiz id='84']
Set- 20 Teaching Aptitude & Attitude – English May 7, 2024May 7, 2024 Set- 20 Teaching Aptitude – English 1 / 5 Thorndike's learning theory is known by the following name? (A) Principle of insight (B) Principle of trial and error (C) Principle of reinforcement (D) None of these 2 / 5 Personality is the combined form of all psychological activities and directions related to a person. Where is it ? (A) Allport (B) Warren (C) Linton (D) Watson 3 / 5 Which is not a characteristic of organized personality? (A) Mobility (B) Satisfaction, high aspirations and purposefulness (C) Antisemitism (D) adjustment power 4 / 5 Personality is another name for self-knowledge. Which viewpoint is this related to? (A) Sociological approach (B) Psychological approach (C) Philosophical approach (D) None of the above 5 / 5 In how many parts has Sheldon divided personality on the basis of physical characteristics?0 (A) Soft and round (B) Spherical and rectangular (C) long and soft (D. ALL OF THE ABOVE Your score isThe average score is 57% 0% Restart quiz